Office Administrator required in Manchester, Lancashire

Applying for the Office Administrator required role

We are a Mobile phone accessories distributor providing products to trade customers. We have a vast range of our own branded products and are licensed to sell a range of big name brands too. There is high demand for our products which is why we are a business that has managed to grow and expand despite a recession. You will be working for a company that is ambitious, growing and helping to shape its future. There will be ample opportunity for you to excel.
Job Title: Office Administrator required
Location: Lancashire / Manchester
Salary: £8,000 - £10,000
Type: Full Time
Job Sector: Admin, Secretarial & PA
Sub Sector: Administrator
Job Reference No: OFA

Job Description

Office administrator mainly to Directors Required
Working for busy distributors as a part time administrator Monday to Friday 11am – 4pm. Based just outside the City Centre. This is a permanent role.

The role:
The role is varied and you will always be kept busy. It will include general administrative tasks, making travel arrangements, screening phone calls, data entry, taking phone calls, some HR duties, creating forms, letter writing, liaising with suppliers and much much more. Your role will be to take the load off the two directors, being able to follow orders, multi task and use your initiative.

To apply for this role please send a CV and covering letter to XXXXX. In your cover letter tell us how you fit the requirements, about your experience and your goals & motivation for the future.

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As well as Office Administrator required jobs we also have Admin, Secretarial & PA Vacancies. Including jobs in the UK and Europe.