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Your Employer Profile

Build your profile, tell the millions of candidates who'll be checking you out what your Company is all about, it will either be this page or one of your job ads that they'll see first, you'll want to make the right impression..

"About us" is a trailer for your business as an employer. Think like this -  if you were in an elevator and you had 20 seconds to leave all those in it with a mental picture of your business, what would you say? Too much and you'll lose them.

"Upload" your company logo and a video, remember, if you want to see rich multimedia content from candidates they expect to see it from you too.

The menu to the left is where you can;

*Edit your profile  

*Post and manage job ads - you can use video for this too 

*Identify your Favorites and track them 

*Coordinate staff accounts 

*Coordinate messages to and from candidates, you can even upload formal offers and contracts here too

Applicants want to know the basics about your company straight away, focus on just the vital info using the W-questions: Who are you? What do you do? Where do you do it? When did you start? How big are you? What makes your company attractive? Cutting edge experience? What’s your positioning in your industry? Established and secure? Dynamic and exciting?

Candidates will be skim-reading lots of company descriptions, so keep your sentences short and simple, use bullet points, and don’t make jokes.

staffbay is a search based site, so describe your company using the kind of words applicants would search for.


If you're already registered, sign in using the boxes at the top right of the screen, or sign up as an employer or candidate.

next - add a video.