
Sales Jobs in Maidstone

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Sales jobs | Junior sales jobs | Jobs in sales

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Job Title
Salary Range
Brand Ambassador
£1,000 - £4,000 Kent / Maidstone
Sales and Customer Service Position £1,000 - £30,000 Kent / Maidstone
Telesales executive
£5,000 - £6,000 Kent / Maidstone

Sales Jobs

Weather you are looking for sales manager jobs or for junior sales jobs Staffbay can help!


In order to be able to seal a new business deal, sales jobs handle many sales tasks and duties. In this department, sales assistant jobs are very essential to fill,  as they are required to deal with different clients, to offer assistance as well as provide product information. Sales jobs bring excitement to the department. Choosing sales management jobs will involve being able to organise, plan, in addition to the responsibility of setting sales objectives.

Anyone searching for jobs in sales can easily increase their likelihood of getting a job within this field by having the right education and training. Sales director jobs include deciding, developing, implementing, managing and  regulating the sales strategy of your company. Sales jobs might be great roles for any ambitious individual to have a successful career. To succeed in sales career, you must be able to plan and manage all kinds of duties for many clients.