
Strategy & Consultancy Jobs in Kettering

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Project Co-ordinator
£18,000 - £20,000 Northamptonshire / Kettering

Consultancy Jobs

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Consultancy jobs can vary according to the sector of industry that your consulting skills are focused on. Consultancy jobs include problem solving. Or having the skills in a specialised consulting area that you can apply to analyse and find solutions to business problems. Finding better and effective solutions to implement into current working plans can be an advantage. Management consultant jobs include possessing some element of coaching skills, this will enable you to implement required change within the organisation.

Strategy jobs positions generally help an organisation achieve their objectives and identify problems simply by working through their existing strategies. Also analysing all data to find ways to help the organisation move forward in probably the most economical and effective way. Business consultancy jobs will involve finding ways to improve the mode of operation that the company uses. In addition to assisting in better identifying potential path for future growth.